Might As Well Face It...

Might as well face it...

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Crunchy Dwarfy Goodness

Hooray, more Dwarves have arrived on the scene. Hopefully NOT like a sex machine.

Slightscale difference that I don't think will matter a jot
Left to right:- GW Dwarf, Scibor Dwarf and Foundry Dwarf. The Scibor Dwarf is a head bigger than the foundry one, however since he is going to be my throng's leader I can't see that being a problem. The Foundry dwarves are really stocky and satisfyingly old school in appearance.
There was a couple of problems however. The Scibor Dwarf had a really badly placed mould line right across the fingers of his left hand. No biggy, he gets the weapon removed and a shield in its place. Sweet.
Two of the foundry Dwarves had bigger problems. The one above is essentially missing his righteye thanks to a mis-cast. BAM! Eyepatch. Solved.
The other one is a bigger problem:
As you can see, the right side of his head has almost been cast twice, beyond my meager sculpting skills to solve. However, with a bit of judicious trimming and a sneaky paintjob, I may be able to get away with making it look like he's got a fancy helmet. Maybe not, we'll see.

4 Foundry and the Scibor based and undercoated. The Scibor will be my reward for paining my first four warriors.
I've also tried something a bit daring for the Scibor Dwarf.

As you can see he comes on a pretty cool scenic base. Of course I wouldnt be able to game with that monstrosity. So, since I had some magnets from a FoW box set left over and a dremel hanging around...
So I hollowed out the stand and whapped a magnet in there. Same with a gamining base and the Dwarf himself. Was quite easy to do since the Scibor minis are made from a fairly soft resin. (Apparently. It could easy be the mashed up remains of roadkill badgers mixed with foetus stem cells for all I know)

What Else I am Doing

Playing: X-Com Apocalpyse and Civ IV
I love strategy games, esp the X-Com games. Aces.

Listening to: liebe ist fuer alle da by Rammstein

Not as good as the Mutter album (what is?!) butstill farfucking better than most of the dross whammed out these days

Watching: Battlestar Galactica season 4
Didnt watch this when it first came out, now roaring through the series at a rate of knots.

Working: Havent done any college work this month. Fuck it. Ive already got a degree, stupid work making me do stuff. Should just GIVE me money.

Stay Frosty

Saturday 3 July 2010

It Begins

Just a quick update, I've purchased my first 12 Dwarves for my warrior unit.

8 from http://foundryarchive.co.uk/. These have their own little metal base, so I'll either have to slice and dice (dremel, front and centre) or cover them up on a plastic base somehow.

The other 4 come from http://hasslefreeminiatures.co.uk/.
These guys ARE gaming. If there was a chewy centre to miniatures and wargaming, Hasslefree would be it. I've got nothing but good things to say about these guys, they bend over backwards for you, their prices are very reasonable and the minis themselves are sexy as all hell.

Not that Im attracted to small metal Dwarves...*blinks*
Can't See the Wood

I've also recently become obssesed with scenery.

It was never something I ever bothered much with, since we just generally scraped together whatever ready made stuff we could get our hands on to play games.
With my switch to 15mm I saw that making decent scenery at this scale would actully be pretty possible.
This is my first effort and Im really happy with it.
Anyway, Im off to get some new glasses now since all the squinting at tiny Dwarves combined with all the books I read means my eyes are totally fucked. And not in the good way.

Stay frosty

Friday 2 July 2010


I've come up with my army list for me Dwarves. I've used 7th edition rules since I don't yet own the 8th.

750 Point Dwarven Throng

1 Thane. Shield and rune of fury: 92 Points

15 Warriors. Shields, Veteran, Standard bearer, Musician. 160

10 Thunderers. 140

14 Hammerers. Shields, Gate Keeper, Standard Bearer, Musician. 198

Cannon 90

70 Points left over for bits and bobs and that.

I've went with 750 points because I reckon that's probably a do-able figure for the end of the year.
My intention with this army is to keep the number of GW models to a minimum, I've given those vultures quite enough of my money over the years.
I'm going to collect the Warrior unit first, then move onto the more interesting stuff. To that end I've earmarked some Dwarves from Foundry Miniatures fantasy line
I'll paint these guys up first then purchase the rest of the unit.
I finished the tester Dwarf.
Happy with how he's turned out. Even happy with the way the bronze (eventually) went.

I'll probably use him as the Vet for the warriors.

One down, ~42 to go.

Stay frosty people.

Thursday 1 July 2010

Dwarves and Panthers

Snow White and the...one Dwarf

Well progress has been made, which is a nice change.

I hate metallics. Hate them. Why the hell did I choose Dwarves. Oh right, hairy and stunty. Check.

He was probably not the best mini to test out my Dwarf painting skills since he's mostly covered with his ruddy great axe. However I'm mostly happy with how he's turned out. Mostly. (Aliens reference #1)

So colour scheme is pretty much decided now. Bronze, steel, green and white I reckon.
I have another Dwarf on order from the excellent Scibor miniatures that I can't wait to get my greasy mitts on. [url]http://www.sciborminiatures.com/)[/url]
Flames of Why the Hell Did I Choose This Camo Scheme?

I went to the Bovington Tank Museum a few months ago and when I bought my Panther Platoon I thought it would be a great idea to paint them the same scheme as the Panther that I took pictures of.
Fucking idiot.
I painted it with a dunkelgelb basecoat, highlighted it, then masked off the sections I didn't want the camo to go on. Which itself took ages. Then I applied the camo which was also a pain since it took me yonks just to get the right colour. Too purple, too red, too brown, too much of an arse to paint.
Well I eventually got to the point where I could peel of the tape and it DIDNT F-ING WORK PROPERLY!It didnt take me long to neaten things up but I was pretty pissed off. (Which is my base state anyway, so meh)
Did it work? Yeeeeeaaaah...? :/

I'm a perfectionist beyond my ability to paint perfection. It's going OK, although noticing the barrel is bent from taking a picture is fucking annoying. It'll all come good in the wash.

4 more to go....Christ...

Next up in Sports

More Dwarves, probably paint the StuG III I've finally built to complete my minimal Assault Gun Platoon since that's an easy prospect, then maybe a dredge through my bits box to see of there are any more Dwarves suffocating in there.

Peace out.