Might As Well Face It...

Might as well face it...

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Crunchy Dwarfy Goodness

Hooray, more Dwarves have arrived on the scene. Hopefully NOT like a sex machine.

Slightscale difference that I don't think will matter a jot
Left to right:- GW Dwarf, Scibor Dwarf and Foundry Dwarf. The Scibor Dwarf is a head bigger than the foundry one, however since he is going to be my throng's leader I can't see that being a problem. The Foundry dwarves are really stocky and satisfyingly old school in appearance.
There was a couple of problems however. The Scibor Dwarf had a really badly placed mould line right across the fingers of his left hand. No biggy, he gets the weapon removed and a shield in its place. Sweet.
Two of the foundry Dwarves had bigger problems. The one above is essentially missing his righteye thanks to a mis-cast. BAM! Eyepatch. Solved.
The other one is a bigger problem:
As you can see, the right side of his head has almost been cast twice, beyond my meager sculpting skills to solve. However, with a bit of judicious trimming and a sneaky paintjob, I may be able to get away with making it look like he's got a fancy helmet. Maybe not, we'll see.

4 Foundry and the Scibor based and undercoated. The Scibor will be my reward for paining my first four warriors.
I've also tried something a bit daring for the Scibor Dwarf.

As you can see he comes on a pretty cool scenic base. Of course I wouldnt be able to game with that monstrosity. So, since I had some magnets from a FoW box set left over and a dremel hanging around...
So I hollowed out the stand and whapped a magnet in there. Same with a gamining base and the Dwarf himself. Was quite easy to do since the Scibor minis are made from a fairly soft resin. (Apparently. It could easy be the mashed up remains of roadkill badgers mixed with foetus stem cells for all I know)

What Else I am Doing

Playing: X-Com Apocalpyse and Civ IV
I love strategy games, esp the X-Com games. Aces.

Listening to: liebe ist fuer alle da by Rammstein

Not as good as the Mutter album (what is?!) butstill farfucking better than most of the dross whammed out these days

Watching: Battlestar Galactica season 4
Didnt watch this when it first came out, now roaring through the series at a rate of knots.

Working: Havent done any college work this month. Fuck it. Ive already got a degree, stupid work making me do stuff. Should just GIVE me money.

Stay Frosty

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